Pig Farm Low Water Crossing
- Contract Number: W9124L-14-C-0009
- Contract Value: $3,977,152.42
- Contract Location: Fort Sill, OK
- Completion Date: July 2017
About this Project
The purpose of the project is to construct a reinforced concrete box culvert to replace Pig Farm Low Water Crossing at Fort Sill. CNC was tasked with designing and constructing a multi-cell reinforced concrete box culvert with headwalls, wingwalls, and aprons. Crews had to demolish the existing low water crossing. As part of the effort, CNC and our subcontractors had to perform all surveying and staking for the design and construction. We provided slope and embankment protection to prevent erosion of embankment, road, and culvert. The culvert was designed to support its own weight, plus the weight of vehicle loads for two-way traffic.